Principal Image

Dr. Puran Prabha


Principal Dear students, True education does not consist in simply being taught facts. It is rather an awakening of the self, which is a gradual, unending and ever-widening process. The degree of quest we have for self improvement is what makes us successful or unsuccessful in life. Apart from the inner growth and development of an individual, education has yet another role to play- to humanize the people and to make life progressive, cultured and civilized. Thus, the real purpose of education is two-fold. While, on the one hand, it aims at developing in the youth a spirit of enquiry, rational thinking, creativity, intelligence, aptitude and skills, on the other hand, it also helps create opportunities for the betterment of society as a whole. Therefore, the students who wish to climb the higher ladders of progress in life are advised to first search their interests, skills and abilities, and there after determine their career-goals. I hope the students will abide by the rules and regulations of this college and try their best to get through the examinations with flying colours. With Best Wishes……..